A Hopeful Future

Ps 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:

GOD has promised us a glorious future (Jer 29:11), a future that will bring us blessings and a purpose. Many people shipwreck their lives on the rock of the trials of this life and the sinister waters of the sin and selfish ambitions. As a believer in the Lord, many are the obstacles and situations that seek to sidetrack us, derail us and eventually destroy us. But notice the hope in the verse above:

GOD will perfect that which concerneth me. The word THAT suggests the will of GOD in my life as it is in the life of David.

Notice three lessons GOd wants us to learn:
Firstly, learn who is the ONE who perfects us: THE LORD – it is Yahweh, the Creator God, the King of this Universe. The ONE who has perfect knowledge of us, perfect wisdom to help us, and perfect plan to complete us. GOD is the one who has begin a good work in us, will continue to accomplish that in our lives!! Phil 1:6

Secondly, learn that GOD who matures us, puts us through a process of events, situations, people, ministry and phases to perfect us. The word perfect is in the imperfect tense. The imperfect expresses an action, process or condition which is incomplete, and ongoing. Oh believer, you can expect a whole range of interesting, edifying and building experiences as a believer, because GOD wants us to grow and to mature: and the only way to do so is for GOD to provide those learning experiences, permitted by His will and determined by His counsel for us. The word perfect also means that GOD is the cause of the perfection in our lives.

Thirdly, learn that the perfecting processes is pecuilar and specially planned for us individually: The Lord WILL PERFECT that WHICH CONCERNETH ME …” Is it not a blessing that the King of the Universe considers us in His plan and His scheme of things? His purpose involves every believer, and every church who will honour Him.

Christian, are you in a disagreeable situation? Do you find that you cannot reconcile what you are going through with what you believe to be GOD’s will? GOD does not make mistakes, and therefore, NOTHING IN OUR LIVES is a mistake. Trusting GOD when we cannot see is a tough position but absolutely necessary character of every child of GOD’s life. With this in mind, we can have a hopeful future and we can be thankful that the future for us has already been thought through and planned out and WE ALL CAN SAY WITH DAVID : the Lord WILL PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNETH ME ..

Evangelist – Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church