Being Servants of the Lord


Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Romans 12:11

Since the fall of Adam, work has been a curse. Our reward based on our efforts is always less than what we expect. ‘Overworked, underpaid” is a phrase tossed around to illustrate this truth. However, Singaporeans are still always busy, and most are always occupied with something to do. Many use Ipads, smartphones and diaries to ensure they keep up with the appointments and schedules. They are busy, they are motivated in their worldly engagements. Similarly, with the Roman people, who are a doing people, they believe in action and activity. But what is the aim of the activity? Does it serve self? Or does it bring glory to GOD? Brethren, who are called by the name of the Lord Jesus, our Saviour asks of us: John 13:13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If the Lord Jesus is our Lord, what is the focus of our current activity and action? And what should be the focus of our work and employment and life? The life of a Christian ought to be diligent both in the secular work, but more so in the ministry that GOD has graciously given to him. Paul highlights three elements that are essential if we are to glorify God in all that we do:

We are not to procrastinate:

Slothfulness refers to being idle, inactive; sluggish; and habitually lazy. It refers to being indulgent in ease and comfort. Business refers to diligence. And therefore, rather than meaning being not lazy in a task , Paul admonishes the Roman Christians to be not be inactive, sluggish and habitually lazy and seeking for ease BUT be actively diligent in all activities that are given to them to do, whether it is a worldly employment or a spiritual task that GOD graciously provides. Some work diligently in monetary employment but are slow to do spiritual work, that is wrong. Some are hard at work when it comes to ‘God’s work’ but are slow to do their secular employment: that is equally wrong. The biblical teaching is “ whatsoever thy hands findeth to do, do it with all thy might” Eccle 9:10. In whatever tasks given to us, and whatever our hands finds to do, we are to give it our best. We are not to procrastinate.

We need to be Fervent in Spirit:

The word fervent means a boiling over. The word spirit refers to our innermost being. In all our occupations, the sense is that when we do the tasks presented, there needs to be high intensity and focus, diligence and excitement as we do our best. Christian labour must always be excellent and it always starts with our heart being convicted and convinced regarding our priority, which is to glorify God, and that the name of GOD be not blasphemed.

We need to be serving the Lord:

As we are diligent, fervent, we are to regard ourselves as servants of the Lord. Our lives are to serve the Lord. It is to bring honour to Him, and accomplish His will in this world and in our lives. Many focus on personal ambitions, but Paul admonishes us to serve the Lord. Seek His Kingdom first and do His bidding first. We need to be serving the Lord. In our secular work, we are serve as if we are serving the Master in Heaven. In our spiritual work, we have one Lord and Master, the Lord Jesus.

Are we procrastinating in our duties, both secular and spiritual? That is not the will of GOD. Do we have the fervent heart in serving the Lord? Seek the Lord and His power as we serve Him, for He has promised us His spirit , given us His word and provided us His power. May we not be slothful in business, but be fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord.