Missions, from the heart of GOD
Jon 1:2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.
Jonah the prophet was called by GOD to go to a sinful nation and to cry against it because GOD was going to judge them for their sins. Without mercy and grace, the entire city would be doomed to earthly death and eternal damnation. Yet, in the city were the innocent children and cattle: And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle? Jon 4:11 . God’s heart is enlarged for the souls and salvation of men. What does He do? What must we do?
GOD initiates missions: ARISE GO .. This is the first of GOD’s instruction to His people to go to a Gentile nation to proclaim judgment and the forgiveness of sins. God was concerned that innocent people will die in His judgment without an opportunity to hear His words of grace. Therefore He calls His people to go and tell them. As a church, GOD has given us the mission mandate, the Great Commission, to go and tell the nations of His great love and His great forgiveness. We are to commit ourselves to missions as GOd initiates missions.
GOD calls people to go .. GO … God initiates missions but He calls His people to go. It is said that every christian is a missionary: we are to carry the message of the gospel everywhere we go – across the road, to the coffee shops, to the blocks around us, and to the regions beyond. If GOD calls people to go, I dare say brethren, He may be calling us. GOD does not call ALL to go, but He calls some. Is He calling you to the field? Is He working in your heart to prepare yourself to give up all for Him? And for the souls of many?
God is concerned for the heathen. GO TO NINEVEH … the capital of Assyrian. Assyria was the city used of GOD to punish Israel for her sins. They were cruel, and heartless as they murdered many Israelites. However, GOD still cares for them, and wants them to be saved. We are called to the localities around us, but GOD wants us to go to the regions beyond, places never before reached with the gospel. We are to go because our GOD cares for the Heathen, never before reached by men.
Brethren, is God calling you? Missions begin in the heart of GOD because of His love for men: missions must begin in our hearts, because we love the people. If GOD is calling you, would you respond? and say: Here am I Lord, Send me ?
Evangelist – Pastor Johnny Tan
Ambassador Baptist Church