• One Joy, One Tear

    Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Romans 12:15 Be glad with them that are happy and sob with them that are weeping. The principle that Paul encourages for the christians is that they are to be same-hearted, and same-minded towards one another, that each of us ought to feel the joys and sorrows of each of their Christian friends. Many when they are elated, would want to tell another person of their joy and gladness, and those who are sad , will need a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a word of encouragement or just a silent listener. But Paul admonishes us to go further, to…

  • Points for Perseverance in Pain

    Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Romans 12:12 In the course of life in the church, service for the Lord and living in this world, there will always be times of troubles and trials. A ship at sea must be ready for storms ahead and likewise, a believer in Christ on the sea of life must be ready for the setbacks and situations that will confront him. Exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:22 A Christian must never be taken by surprise that trials will come Beloved, think it not strange…